Rules in MS Word format:
Section 1.1 These Rules and Regulations shall be applicable to all unit owners, lessees, invitees, guests, family members, and any other person residing, occupying, or present in any unit or on common element.
Section 1.2 Managing Agent. No person shall direct, supervise, or in any manner attempt to assert control over, or request favors from any employee of the Association or from the Managing Agent.
Section 1.3 Comments and Complaints. Comments or complaints regarding the management or staff to the Condominium or regarding actions of other persons shall be made in writing to the Management Agent or the Board of Directors.
Section 1 .4 Amendment. These Rules and Regulations may be altered, amended, modified, repealed or revoked by the Board of Directors.
Section 1.5 Compliance. The unit owners shall comply with all the Regulations hereinafter set forth governing the building, stairwells, building entrances, patios, drives, recreational areas, grounds, parking areas and any other appurtenances.
Part II Restrictions on Use
Section 2.1 Common Elements. All use of the Common Elements must strictly conform with Section VIII of the Bylaws, Restrictions on use of Units and Common Elements Rules and Regulations.
(a) The Common Elements shall not be used for the storage or placement of furniture or any other articles, including but not limited to, plants, boxes, shopping carts, trash, bicycles, etc.
(b) Nothing shall be altered or constructed in or removed from the Common Elements except with the prior written consent of the Board of Directors.
Section 2.2 Noise. No person shall make or permit any disturbing noises to be made in the buildings or on the Condominium grounds, nor do or permit anything to be done that would interfere with the rights, comforts, or convenience of others.
Section 2.3 Quiet Hours. No person shall play or allow to be played, any musical instrument, radio, television, stereo system, tape recorder, or the like at the Arbors of Arlington between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and the following 8:00 a.m. if the practice disturbs or annoys other residents. Construction work, hammering, or other noise-producing activities shall be limited to the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Due to the noise created, the laundry room washing machines should not be used after 11:00 p.m. or before 7:00 a.m. Additionally, all residents shall keep the volume of any television, musical instrument, or other sound-producing device in their units sufficiently reduced at all times so as not to disturb other residents.
Section 2.4 Signs. No person shall put his or her name in any of the public areas. The Association shall provide name plates for each mail box.
Section 2.5 Gardening. The planting or cultivation of flowers, plants, trees, shrubbery or crops of any type, including window boxes, is prohibited anywhere in the Common Elements without prior written consent of the Board of Directors.
Section 2.6 Plumbing. The plumbing shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it was constructed. No sweepings, rubbish, rags, papers other than bathroom tissue, ashes, or oilier substances shall be thrown into the bathroom fixtures. The Unit Owner shall be liable for any damage to the property of others, including the Common Elements, resulting from the misuse of the plumbing (of any nature or character whatsoever).
Section 2.7 Littering Common Elements. No one shall throw anything out of any windows or into the Common Elements., no shall anyone use a window or Common Element to hang or spread any object. No one shall place objects upon the exterior window sills. No rugs shall be beaten in the Common Elements or windows, nor shall dust, rubbish, or litter be swept from a unit into the Common Elements. No clothesline, clothes rack or laundry shall be permitted to hang on any window or patio.
Section 2.8 Laundry.
(a) Users of the laundry rooms are responsible for the removal of all articles which they bring into the laundry rooms, including, but not limited to, laundry baskets, hangers, and detergent. No trash, other than associated laundry articles (empty soap boxes, laundry softener, cloths, etc.), shall be left in the laundry rooms' trash containers. Articles shall be removed at the time the users leave the laundry rooms upon completion of their work.
(b) Detergents, soaps, softeners, etc., shall be used only in accordance with manufacturers' directions to avoid damage to appliances or plumbing and to avoid an overflow of suds in any Unit or Common Element.
(c) Each user shall deposit the correct fee for use of coin-operated equipment.
Section 2.9 Windows and Doors. No shades, awnings, security bars, security doors, storm windows, or window guards shall be used on the outside of Unit windows or doors without the prior approval of the Board of Directors. Draperies, curtains, blinds (e.g., Venetian, vertical, etc.), shades or shutters must he maintained on all windows of the unit at all limes, and the exterior side of these window coverings (i.e., the side of the covering seen from outside the building) should be of a neutral color. All windows must have screens installed, and the screens must he maintained thereon at all limes. Windows shall not he used for entry or exit.
Section 2.10 Moving. Moving may occur only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. Moving may also occur from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Each resident is responsible for the proper removal of trash, debris, crating or boxes relating to that resident's move-in or move-out.
Section 2.11 Trash and Garbage Pickups
(a) Trash and garbage shall be placed in secured plastic trash bags.
(b) All trash and garbage must be placed in dumpsters for collection.
(c) Bulk items such as mattresses, box springs, refrigerators, freezers, stoves, wall-to-wall carpets, washers, dryers, couches, arm chairs, and other furniture require special pickups and shall not be left in common areas except at times and locations specifically designated by the Board of Directors for such special pickups.
Section 2.12 Floor Coverings. In order to prevent disturbing noise to other Units, at least 75% of the floor in each Unit shall be carpeted, excluding bath, kitchen and closets.
Section 2.13 Car Wash. Vehicles shall not be washed on the common elements.
Part III Utilities
Section 3.1 Consent for Appliances. No one shall install or operate in a Unit or Common Element any machinery, equipment, or appliance, including but not limited to, refrigerating or heating devices, washing machines, washer-dryer-clothes dryer, dishwasher, air conditioning apparatus, illumination other than electric lights, or any other devices without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors.
Section 3.2 Safety. Only Underwriters Laboratory approved equipment shall be considered for approval by the Board of Directors. No appliances (other than ranges in kitchens) which use hydrocarbon fuels (kerosene, propane, etc.) shall be allowed in any Unit.
Section 3.3 Exceptions. The provisions of Sections 3.1 and 3.2 shall not apply to stereo, television or other home electronic equipment.
Part IV Storage and Security
No personal property may be stored on the Common Elements except for registered bicycles stored in the Bicycle Room upon payment of a key deposit.
Section 4.1 Risk of Loss. All property placed in the Common Elements shall be at the sole risk of the resident, and the Arbors of Arlington Unit Owners Association (AAUOA) shall in no event be liable for any loss, destruction, theft or damage to such property.
Section 4.2 Deliveries. The Association, its employees or agents shall not accept packages or articles of any description from or for the benefit of a person.
Section 4.3 Solicitation. No commercial business solicitation is permitted on the Condominium property. If any person is contacted by a solicitor, the Managing Agent should be notified immediately. However, this Section shall not apply to solicitation by any Unit Owner in connection with the business of the Association.
Part V Recreational Facilities General Rules
All persons using any of the recreational or common facilities do so at their own risk and sole responsibility. The Association does not assume responsibility for any occurrence, accident or injury in connection with such use. No resident shall make any claim against the Association, its servants, agents, or employees, for or on account of any loss or damage to life, limb or property sustained as a result of or in connection with any such use of any of the recreational or common facilities. Each unit owner shall hold the Association harmless from any and all liabilities and any action of whatsoever nature by any tenants, guests, invitees or licensees of such unit owners growing out of the use of the recreational or common facilities, except where such loss, injury or damage can be clearly provided to be the result of the negligence of the Association or its agents, servants or employees in the operation, care or maintenance of such facilities.
Section 5.1 Guests. The Common Elements are for the exclusive use of residents, their guests and invitees. Each person is responsible for the conduct of his or her guests and invitees.
Section 5.2 Pets. No pets shall be permitted in the Common Elements except when on a leash and under the direct and immediate control of an adult resident. Pet owners shall curb their pets in out-of-the-way common areas or off of the condominium property. Every pet owner shall be responsible for cleaning up, removing and properly disposing of excretion and droppings of the pet and shall not allow same to be left on the Common Elements. Pet owners shall abide by Arlington County "Leash Laws."
Section 5.3 Furniture. Furniture belonging to AAUOA shall not be removed from the public areas.
Section 5.4 Clean-up. Any person using the public areas shall remove, at the time he or she leaves the areas, all articles which he or she brought into these areas.
Section 5.5 Defacing Common Elements. No one shall in any manner mark or deface the Common Elements. Each violation of this Rule shall be subject to an assessment for the cost of repair, replacement or restoration.
Section 5.6 Outdoor Cooking. The barbecue area is located on the grounds behind Building 24 (on the Glebe Road side). Barbecuing shall take place in this designated area only. Grills are to be set up away from the building. Those using the area are to be considerate of others and clean-up afterwards.
Part VI Parking Areas
Section 6.1 Uses. Unless otherwise authorized by the Association, the parking areas shall not be used for any purpose other than the parking of automobiles or motorcycles. No buses, campers, trailers, boats, recreational or commercial vehicles shall be parked in the parking lots. All vehicles shall have current license plates, tags, and all other required state, county or municipal stickers and be in operating condition. No vehicles shall be parked on the Condominium property with conspicuous "For Sale" signs attached.
Section 6.2 Proper Parking. No vehicle belonging to a resident shall be parked in such a manner as to impede or prevent ready access to other parking spaces.
Section 6.3 Towing. All residents shall observe and abide by all parking and traffic regulations as posted by the Association or by municipal authorities. Vehicles parked in violation of any such regulations may be either immobilized by the Association, or towed away at the vehicle owner's sole risk and expense.
Part VII Procedures
Section 7.1 Violations. Failure to comply with any of the Rules and Regulations may, in the discretion of the Board of Directors, result in a charge or the suspension or loss of the right to use the particular facility by the resident found to be in non-compliance, except where specifically noted in these Rules and Regulations.
Section 7.2 Sale of Unit. A resale package must be requested from the Managing Agent at least ten (10) days prior to the sale of the unit. A $50.00 charge will be assessed.
Policy Resolution #1
Rules and Regulations Resolution
WHEREAS, Article .III, Section 1 of the Arbors of Arlington Condominium Bylaws provides that the affairs of the Unit Owners Association shall he governed by a Board of Directors; and
WHEREAS, Article III, Section 2 assigns the Board all of the powers and duties necessary for the Administration of the affairs of the Unit Owners Association; and
WHEREAS, Article III, Section 2 further states that the Board of Directors shall have the power from time to time to adopt any Rules and Regulations deemed necessary for the benefit and enjoyment of the Condominium; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has deemed it necessary to adopt Rules and Regulations related to the operation of the properly and use and occupancy of the units and common elements,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following Rules and Regulations be, and hereby are, adopted and shall become effective 30 days after the date of delivery.
Policy Resolution #2020-01 (Duly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on
November 30,2020.)
Move-In/Move-Out Fee
WHEREAS, Article III, Section 2 of the Arbors of Arlington Condominium Bylaws establishes the Board of Directors as the executive and administrative entity designated to act for the Association in governing the Condominium, and prescribes that the affairs and business of the Association shall be managed by the Board of Directors; and
WHEREAS, Article III, Section 2 (e) and (f) of the Bylaws also provides that the Board of Directors shall provide for operation and upkeep of the common elements and make and amend Rules and Regulations respecting the use of the Condominium; and
WHEREAS, the act of moving into and out of the Condominium causes accelerated wear and tear and is prone to result in damage to the common areas and results in administrative and maintenance expenses; and
WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board to establish procedures for defraying all or part of the cost of administration, maintenance and repair to the common areas as a result of damage created by move-ins and move-outs,
THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Arbors of Arlington Condominium Unit Owners Association has adopted the following rules to be followed in the operation of the Condominium, pertaining to moving in and out of the building:
1. A non-returnable move-in/move-out fee in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100) will be levied by the Association on all persons moving onto the community.
This fee is intended to defray costs the Association assumes during resident turnover periods, including but not limited to, including wear and tear on the common elements, post-move cleaning of common elements, and the use of Management and staff time in scheduling building cleaning and repairs as a result of moves.
a. The fee is due at either of the following times:
i. in the case of a rental unit, the fee shall be paid to the Association's Managing Agent at the time the lease is signed (the fee is assessed against the owner of the unit if not timely paid to the Association and will be collected as an assessment): or
ii. in the case of an owner-occupied unit, the fee shall be listed on the resale disclosure package, and shall be collected at the time of settlement from the buyer/new owner. The settlement agent shall then forward the fee to Association's Managing Agent. If the fee is not received from the settlement agent within 7 days of the closing, it is assessed against the new owner of the unit and will be collected as an assessment.
b. The fee covers any future move-out by the same party.
c. The fee in no way limits the party's liability for damages to common elements which occur during the move. The party is directly liable for any damage to any common element caused by the party or any person moving or assisting said party in moving in or out. Sidewalks must be used at all times.
d. No vehicles employed or used by the party or any person moving or assisting the party in moving, shall be parked in the parking lots so as to obstruct the ingress or egress of residents of the Condominium. No vehicles shall drive onto or park on the grass.
2. It shall be the responsibility of the unit owner to asure compliance with the foregoing procedures. Failure to adhere to this rule or to conduct a move without paying the fee will result in: a) non-connection of telephone service between unit and the front door entry system, b) non issuance of parking permit, bike room key and/or bike decal, c) access to common areas will not be granted including, but not limited to, roof access, utility room, etc., d) levying of the appropriate fee against the account of the unit owner.
This resolution takes effect January 1, 2021, and amends and supersedes the previous version of Policy Resolution #2.
Policy Resolution #5 (Amended)
Parking and Towing Regulations
WHEREAS, Article HI, Section 2, of the Bylaws of Arbors of Arlington, A Condominium (the "Condominium") assigns to the Board of Directors the authority to govern the Condominium; and
WHEREAS, Article III, Section 2(c) authorizes the Board of Directors to provide for the operation, care, upkeep, and maintenance of all the common elements and services to the Condominium and the unit owners; and
WHEREAS, Article III, Section 2(f) empowers the Board of Directors to make and amend rules and regulations respecting the use of the Condominium; and
WHEREAS, Article IX, Section 1 provides that each unit owner and his/her tenants, invitees, servants, agents, employees, and any other person or persons that shall be permitted to use the Condominium shall be subject to the Bylaws, to the Condominium Instruments, and to the Rules and Regulations of the Association; and
WHEREAS, Article III, Section 2(1) empowers the Board of Directors to enforce the provisions of the Declaration, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations of the Condominium; and
WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the Association, the Unit Owners and residents to promulgate rules regulating parking on the common elements,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following rules are adopted with respect to parking on the common elements and are to replace all previous rules on this topic.
1. Parking Rules and Regulations
A. Parking Rights. Each Unit shall be entitled to the use of one parking space for approved vehicles upon completion of a parking sticker application and the submission of a copy of the applicant's car registration. The Board reserves the power to designate parking spaces to the extent deemed necessary in the Board's sole and exclusive discretion. Parking spaces shall be available on a first-come, first-serve basis to the approved vehicles of all residents and their guests. Each vehicle parked on the Arbors of Arlington parking lot (hereinafter, the "Lot") must display a sticker issued by the Association. Each Unit will be issued one parking sticker.
B. Use of Parking Areas. Parking areas shall be used solely for the parking of approved vehicles as defined herein. Vehicles may be parked only in designated parking spaces and areas. Vehicles must be parked within the spaces provided and in such a manner as to not obstruct other parking spaces or impede access.
C. Approved Vehicles.
(1) Conventional Vehicles. Any conventional automobile, motorcycle, truck or van designed for and used exclusively for private passenger transportation and which is not specifically excluded elsewhere in this Resolution.
D. Prohibited Vehicles. The Following vehicles shall be prohibited from being operated or parked upon the common elements:
(1) Commercial vehicles--defined as any "for hire" vehicle or vehicle that has commercial signs, lettering, advertising and/or commercial equipment visible from or on the exterior.
Commercial equipment includes without limitation exterior racks (except ski racks and bicycle racks), pipes, ladders or interior equipment such as supplies, propane, pesticide, fuel tanks, cabling, unsecured tools or supplies indicative or commercial use or inconsistent with the Association's aesthetic appearance (except for the brief deliveries of passengers or merchandise or while performing work or services for a resident or the Association). "Hummers" and like vehicles are prohibited.
(2) Recreational vehicles--defined as any boat, boat trailer, motor home, trail bike, dune buggy, snowmobile, self-contained camper, mobile home, trailer, pop-up camper/tent trailer, horse trailer or similarly oriented vehicles. Private or public school or church buses are unapproved vehicles under both this definition and the definition of commercial vehicles.
(3) Inoperative vehicles.
(4) Unlicensed vehicles, including but not limited to motorized bicycles, all terrain vehicles, mini-bikes, go-carts, mopeds, or dune buggies.
(5) Oversized vehicles--defined as any vehicle that extends beyond the length of the parking space and/or exceeds 85% of the width of the parking space. The parking space is defined as the area from the curb to the end of the separator lines and between two separator lines measured from the inside of the two lines.
(6) Other equipment and machinery.
(7) Vehicles undergoing repairs or maintenance, painting, or the drainage of automobile fluids. The dumping, disposal or leakage of oil, grease, or any other chemical residual substance, or any substance or particles from holding tanks or any vehicles is not permitted on the common elements. Vehicles shall not be washed, waxed or cleaned on the common elements,
(8) Unsafe vehicles--defined as any vehicle parked or stored unattended in a hazardous condition, including, but not limited to, vehicles on jacks or blocks. Tires supporting vehicles on common elements must be inflated at all times to within 10 PSI of the manufacturer's recommended pressure so that they can be moved in the event of an emergency.
(9) Stored vehicles--defined as any vehicle parked in a space, other than a designated space for a co-owner's exclusive use, for a period of longer than seventy-two (72) hours.
E. Visitor Parking--Visitors spaces are reserved solely for visitors. Residents who park in visitors spaces will be subject to towing.
Any vehicle not falling into one of the above categories shall be permitted or prohibited by the Board on a case-by-case basis.
II. Enforcement
A. Notice of Violation. The owner of any vehicle not in compliance with this resolution, and not specifically dealt with by immediate towing as set forth in the following paragraphs, shall be notified of the violation by the posting of a notice on the vehicle. If the vehicle is not brought into compliance within twenty-four (24) hours of the time frame specified in the Notice, it will be subject to removal by towing. A record of such action will be entered into the Association's records.
B. Conditions Warranting Immediate Towing Without Notice. Any vehicle parked in such a manner as to obstruct ingress or egress into or out of a space, parked in a designated handicapped space without authorization, parked in a posted fire lane or within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant or in a designated fire lane occupying more than one (1) parking space, parking perpendicular to the marked parking space or on a grassy area or sidewalk, impeding access to sidewalk ramps or mailboxes, or constituting a safety hazard shall be subject to immediate removal without notification by a licensed towing company contacted by a Board Member or Management.
C. Subsequent Violations. Subsequent violations of the same provision of this Resolution by the same vehicle committed within any consecutive twelve (12) month period shall subject the violating vehicle to immediate towing without notification.
D. Additional Remedies. The Board reserves the right to exercise all other powers and remedies provided by the Association's governing documents or the laws of Virginia and Arlington County.
E. Persons Authorized to Tow. Only a Member of the Board or Management may authorize towing of any vehicle. The discretion as to whether to authorize towing of a vehicle rests exclusively with the member of the Board of Directors and Management.
III. Liability
A. The Association assumes no responsibility for any damage to or theft from any vehicle parked, operated on or towed from Association property. All costs of towing and impoundment shall be the sole responsibility of the vehicle's owner
B. Unit Owners shall be held liable for any expense incurred by the Association as a result of any damage done to the common elements by the use, repair or maintenance of their vehicle, or as a result of negligence, whether on the part of the Owner, his family, tenants, guests or agents.